VOLUNTEERS Kim Woodley is looking for two or three people to help make St. Anne’s Disaster Plan. We have a template from another church, so it should be only a few meetings - possibly on a Sunday after worship or a Saturday morning. If you are interested in helping, please let Kim know.
COFFEE HOUR SIGN-UP SHEET is available on the table in Rose Hall. Thanks to those who have been providing refreshment after Sunday services.
SUMMER MOVIES AND/OR GAMES on Wednesday evenings begin at 6:30. So far, we have folks bringing Mah-jongg and poker. Feel free to bring a game, snack and/or a beverage of your choice.
Peanut butter and fruit for food pantry.
THE COMMUNITY GARDENS are growing well, with a little help from our friends in the neighborhood. Thanks to all who are weeding and watering when they can. It is nice to see members of the community harvesting produce and hearing positive comments about the gardens.
ST. ANNE'S RELAY FOR LIFE TEAM is participating in the sale of $10 raffle ticket for a 2024 Toyota RAV4 Hybrid LE or $20,000 that has been donated by Hall Toyota in Virginia Beach. All the ticket sales we raise will go to our 2025 team fundraising goal. Please see Evelyn if you would like to buy tickets or help sell tickets. Thanks for your support of the American Cancer Society.
You are invited, Sunday, September 15th at 11:00 AM Annual Homecoming Celebration, Holy Eucharist and after the Service, a pot-luck meal.
Tuesdays: AA & AlAnon at 7:00 pm
Wednesday at 4:00 pm TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Wednesdays: Bible Study at 6:30 pm
Thursdays: AA at 12:00 noon
Ministers for August 25, 2024
Altar Guild: August: Dorothy Rice
WL: Liz Allen
Lector: Lura Kidd
ST. ANNE’S PRAYER- Heavenly Father, Shepherd of your people, we, your faithful family at St. Anne’s, give thanks for all the blessing you have showered upon us. Strengthen us in our faith in You and in ourselves. Uphold us in our ministries, together and individually, as we continue to strive to be Your hands and feet to each other and to our community. All this we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. Amen.
Please contact the church office in the event of serious illness on a loved one. We will assist you in any way we possibly can, including keeping your loved one in our parish prayers. The contact number at the church is (434) 352-8296, the email is [email protected]. Rev. David Perkins, priest, [email protected], 434-956-9054. If you are aware of someone who is sick and/or a shut in, and you think they would appreciate a visit, and/or communion please notify Kim Woodley (434) 352-0130, [email protected] .