The Altar Guild sign-up sheet in the Sacristy is waiting for names. More than one person can sign up for a monthly spot. Training is available.
Those of you who paid for the flowers may take them home, from the kitchen.
The ECW will host the 9th annual “Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate” event on Friday, February 13th from 6:30-8 PM. Flyers, tickets and sign-up sheets will be available in Rose Hall on January 19th. Be thinking of your favorite pies, cakes, cookies, brownies, cheesecake, mousse, candy, non-chocolate favorites, or sugar free desserts that you would like to make. Tickets will be $10 and take-out boxes will also be $10. Please help by spreading the word about this event. All money raised will help fund church outreach projects. Thanks so much for your help with this project!
Peanut butter and fruit for food pantry
It is time to register online as a “St. Anne’s Saints” team member for the 2025 Relay for Life of Appomattox event that will be held in Courtland Festival Park on May 3 at
Cancer Survivors will receive a free shirt when they register. See Evelyn if you need help registering.
BIBLE STUDY Wednesday evenings at 6:30.
Peanut butter and fruit for food pantry.
COFFEE HOUR SIGN-UP SHEET is available on the table in Rose Hall. Thanks to those who have been providing refreshment after Sunday services.
Ministers for January 19, 2025
Altar Guild: January: Liz Allen
Celebrant: Rev. David Perkins
EM: Kim Woodley
Lector/POP: Ellie Dimino
Jan 15 -Bible Study @ 6:30 PM
February 13 - Chocolate. Chocolate 6:30 - 8 PM
Tuesdays: AA & AlAnon at 7:00 pm
Wednesday at 4:00 pm TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Wednesdays: Bible Study at 6:30 pm
Thursdays: AA at 12:00 noon
THANKSGIVINGS FOR ONE MORE BEAUTIFUL DAY and for Thomas Judy, Anna Ford, Terry Harnett and Thomas Ford celebrating their birthdays this week and Liz and Stanley Allen celebrating their anniversary this week.
ST. ANNE’S PRAYER- Heavenly Father, Shepherd of your people, we, your faithful family at St. Anne’s, give thanks for all the blessing you have showered upon us. Strengthen us in our faith in You and in ourselves. Uphold us in our ministries, together and individually, as we continue to strive to be Your hands and feet to each other and to our community. All this we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit. One God, now and forever. Amen.
Please contact the church office in the event of serious illness on a loved one. We will assist you in any way we possibly can, including keeping your loved one in our parish prayers. The contact number at the church is (434) 352-8296, the email is [email protected]. Rev. David Perkins, priest, [email protected], 434-956-9054. If you are aware of someone who is sick and/or a shut in, and you think they would appreciate a visit, and/or communion please notify Kim Woodley (434) 352-0130, [email protected] .