Mission and Ministries
As stated in our mission statement, here at St. Anne's we believe that as followers of Christ, we are called to "Rejoice and Serve in Christ's Love". We hope you will join us as we continue our journey to share God's love with the community. Please explore our various ministries to the community as well as ways you can learn more about our Christian faith and participate in our church family.
Church Outreach
Christian Formation
Worship Ministry
Fellowship Opportunities
Community Organizations
As stated in our mission statement, here at St. Anne's we believe that as followers of Christ, we are called to "Rejoice and Serve in Christ's Love". We hope you will join us as we continue our journey to share God's love with the community. Please explore our various ministries to the community as well as ways you can learn more about our Christian faith and participate in our church family.
Church Outreach
Christian Formation
Worship Ministry
Fellowship Opportunities
Community Organizations