Christian Formation Ministries
All of us are on a continual path of Christian growth and discipleship. St. Anne’s offers a variety of Christian formation opportunities for all ages. Here are some of our regular offerings:
All of us are on a continual path of Christian growth and discipleship. St. Anne’s offers a variety of Christian formation opportunities for all ages. Here are some of our regular offerings:
- Children’s Christian Formation - Sunday School for all age children is held on every 2nd and 4th Sunday during the first part of the service. The children enter church with their paents and leave with their teacher before the readings. Inclass, they explore the lectionary readings through song, art, storytelling and discussion. Children return to their parents at the Offering of Peace. When school ends, so does Sunday School. Classes resume after Labor Day. In addition, young people of all ages are actively invited to participate in the worship service and other activities of the church. Most importantly, St. Anne's has a mentality of "It takes a village to raise a child," where adults are friends and mentors to our young people.
- Adult Sunday Forums - Occasional classes and discussions are offered on Sundays after church. Please see the announcements for current programs.
- Wednesday Evening Study - Wednesday evenings 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM. Come join a vibrant group of adults interested in lifelong learning and growth in biblical knowledge and faith. Studies vary. Please see our announcements for the current topic of study..